20. ožu 2019.

Ima bića koja nitko ne može zamijeniti. 

Ona dolaze ko pjesma 
koju smo negdje zaboravili 
Ona su san bez kojeg smo umirali…
Ako ih izgubimo
Sve smo izgubili. 
Ima bića koja nitko ne može zamijeniti!

Sretan ti rođendan anđele!
Povezana slika

8. kol 2018.


Tuga zatvorena u srcu

Danas sam zauvijek zatvorila vrata 
Srca svoga
Bojim se zaklopiti oči
Da ne sanjam Nju
Ne želim više slikati 
Da ne slikam Nju
Ne mogu više pisati
Jer uvijek pišem o Njoj
Kada se smijem
Ona je tu
Kada plačem 
Ona je tu 
Tada shvatim
Zatvorila sam zauvijek vrata 
Srca svog..............
Ona je zauvijek ostala tu u srcu
Tuga.. tu je to....

25. velj 2016.

Uvijek u srcu

Još uvijek boli...nedostaješ...

Što te nema...

Kad na mlado poljsko cvijeće
Biser niže ponoć nijema, 
Kroz grudi mi želja l'jeće: 
"Što te nema, što te nema?" 

Kad mi sanak pokoj dade
I duša se miru sprema, 
Kroz srce se glasak krade: 
"Što te nema, što te nema?" 

Voli te mama!

12. stu 2015.

A Mother's Grief

A Mother's Grief
Kelly Cummings

You ask me how I'm feeling,
but do you really want to know?
The moment I try telling you
You say you have to go

How can I tell you,
what it's been like for me
I am haunted, I am broken
By things that you don't see

You ask me
how I'm holding up,
but do you really care?
The moment I start
to speak my heart,
You start squirming in your chair.

Because I am so lonely,
you see, friends no
longer come around,
I'll take the words
I want to say
And quietly choke them down.

Everyone avoids me now,
I guess they don't
know what to say
They told me
I'll be there for you,
then turned and walked away.

Call me if you need me,
that's what everybody said,
But how can
I call and scream
into the phone,
My God, my child is dead?

No one will let me
say the words I need to say
Why does a mothers grief
scare everyone away?

I am tired of pretending
my heart hammers
in my chest,
I say things
to make you comfortable,
but my soul finds no rest.

How can I tell you things
that are too sad to be told,
of the helplessness
of holding a child
who in your
arms grows cold?

Maybe you can tell me,
How should one behave,
who's had to follow
their childs casket,
watched it
perched above a grave?

You cannot imagine
what it was like
for me that day
to place a final kiss
upon that box,
and have to
turn and walk away.

If you really love me,
and I believe you do,
if you really want to help me,
here is what I need from you.

Sit down beside me,
reach out and take my hand,
.......Say :
"My friend, I've come to listen,
I want to understand."

Just hold my hand and listen
that's all you need to do,
And if by chance
I shed a tear,
it's alright if you do to.

I swear that I'll remember
till the day I'm very old,
the friend who sat
and held my hand
and let me bare my soul.

Kelly Cummings

20. ožu 2014.

...u srcu...

Tuga zatvorena u srcu...

Prije više od pet godina zauvijek sam zatvorila vrata 
Srca svoga

Bojim se zaklopiti oči
Da ne sanjam Nju
Ne želim više razmišljati
Da ne razmišljam o Njoj
Ne mogu više pisati
Jer uvijek pišem o Njoj

Kada se smijem
Ona je tu
Kada plačem 
Ona je tu 

Tada shvatim
Zatvorila sam zauvijek vrata 
Srca svog...

Ona je zauvijek ostala tu u srcu

tu je to...

 U duši

U srcu 

U mislima

Moja Mirela

 Voljela bih još jednom dodirnuti tvoje lice, tvoju kosu, primit te za ruku i nikad te više ne pustit...sretan ti rođendan sunce mamino...

21. pro 2013.

I Have A Dream

I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream

I have a dream, a fantasy
To help me through reality
And my destination makes it worth the while
Pushing through the darkness still another mile
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream

I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream


26. stu 2013.



Pustim suze da teku niz lice
Suze što isprat tugu ni bol ne mogu
Teče bol i tuga sa izvora oka moga
Sve do ušća što u srce se slijeva

Što li su suze što tek niz lice moje
Bujica tuge,bola ili osjećaja
Sjećanje, zaborav ili rastanak

Bol i tuga, što teče niz lice moje
Rastanak je što bolan je bio
Grč što srce steže
To su suze u bujice što teče niz lice moje 
Sve do kraja albuma
Sa slikama tvojim...

7. tra 2013.

Ptica bijelih krila

Ne plači i ne traži me u ponoć
Mene više nema tu
Visoko sam među zvijezdama 
Visoko iznad svoda nebeskog

Letim pticama bijelih krila
Letim svojim Anđelima
Visoko sam među zvijezdama
Visoko iznad svoda nebeskoga

Za mnom ne tugujte
Svoju tugu pjesmom sakrijte
Njome meni ljubav iskažite 
Pticama meni poruku prenesite

Pogledom moju zvijezdu potražite
Suzu s oka ne pustite.

U zoru kad zvijezde ugasnu
Našom pjesmom me se sjetite


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